St Albans Pottery
Firing Services
I am delighted to offer an ad hoc firing service to local artists/ experienced potters.
The basics:-
Maximum work dimensions: 26 cm diameter, or 38 cm high (based on kiln size)
Usual firing temperatures and cycles are bisque: 1000C, glaze: 1220C. Other firing cycles/ temperatures on request
Commercial clays & glazes only (Delighted to discuss materials before you purchase).
My own clay kits and coloured slips are available to purchase (see website for details).​
Sorry no paper clay, metals or other combustibles (too smelly for neighbours)
More detail:-
Standard pricing: £40 for whole kiln; pricing per % with a minimum of £10. This is per regular firing, for either bisque or glaze firing.
My usual firing temperatures and cycles are bisque: 1000C, glaze: 1222C. I am happy to arrange other firing cycles/ temperatures on request, but this will need to be a complete kiln load, and may incur different costs.
Variations which will require bespoke costings are
Once firings
Sculpture/ slow firings (with thick clay walls)
High fire glaze firings (firings above 1222C will carry a surcharge of £15)
Charges will be approximate - depending on the space it takes up and what else I can fit in to a standard firing. Charges will be rounded to £10, £20 …. £40, depending on the rough proportion of space taken up in the kiln (1/4, 1/3 ½ etc or 100% ).
The assumption here is that you provide your own commercial clay & appropriate commercial glazes. (Delighted to discuss materials before you purchase). My own clay kits and coloured slips are available to purchase (see website for details).
Dimensions & temperatures
I have a Rhode Ecotop 60 kiln. It is a cylindrical top loader. Maximum work dimensions: 26 cm diameter, or 38 cm high
Please bring your work ready for firing - already dried or already glazed. Apologies, but I have very limited storage or drying space. Also to keep prices lower, I no longer do a drying firing.
Please let me know if you have enough for a full kiln load so we can book a firing slot.
Please bring your creations in a secure labelled box (shoe box?) carefully wrapped. Please enclose a completed Firing Drop Off Form (attached). I will return your work in the same box/ wrappings.
Please discuss all materials with me in advance – clay & glaze – to minimise possible problems to your work/ others work/ the kiln & furniture. Ideally provide links.
No paper clay, combustibles, or metal - as these may upset my neighbours or spoil my kiln.
Commercial glazes only. No glaze experiments or homemade glazes (sorry - mistakes are easy and costly)
Depending on the fragility and size of your work, or quantities involved, I may ask you to load or unload the work yourself.
I will notify you when your work is ready. Please collect within 3 days, or earlier if possible.
Please discuss if you are working to any significant dates (birthdays etc) and I will try and accommodate. Unless you are doing a whole kiln firing, I will batch fire once I have enough work.
Payment to be made on/ before collection, via BACS (bank transfer)
Where possible, glaze work may be fired on sand / sand trays. This may mean that work can take up more space than you envisage or have sand on the bottom (which you may need to sand off).
Terms & conditions
I do not expect the following to occur – however just to be clear: -
Your work is left here at your own risk. Although I am very careful, accidents may happen.
I am not liable for any damage/ problems with your work arising from the firing process. Cracks are not unusual; glazes often do not behave as you expect, even commercial ones …
Damage to kiln/ kiln furniture/ other work caused by your work will need to be paid for/ repaired or replaced by you. Typically, this is caused by using inappropriate glazes or clays which then melt all over the kiln and shelves. Or by poor making & drying processes (eg a solid lump of clay may trap water and explode).
I reserve the right not to fire something if I am uncomfortable that it may cause damage. For example – a solid lump of clay or something which has glaze on the bottom.
This firing service assumes a basic understanding of working with clay. I assume you know
How to join clay – scratch & score
Importance of clay not being too thick (ideally less than 1cm)
Importance Drying – air bubbles & joins, hollowing out forms; making holes in spheres
I am very happy to discuss methods/ process/ anything if you are unsure.